Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day 3 Of My First Garden

Well I noticed a problem with my garden :( it only gets about 3.5-4 hours of direct sunlight a gets some partial light for a while, but I am definitely concerned about the well being of my veggies! I guess we will just have to wait and see what will happen. The reason it doesn't get a whole lot of sun is because my lovely neighbors have a HUGE tree that drapes over my yard and provides a little too much shade...I am going to see if my boyfriend will be willing to cut the portion that comes over onto our backyard, because that would probably give me an additional 2 hours of sun!!!

Here are some update pictures of what I have done:

These are the finished rocks labels that I made. I have them for each of the plants in the box.

I added stepping stones leading to the garden. Still working on the backyard as a whole.

I love the stepping stones! Don't mind the pile of wood in the back ground :)

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